Top 10 Hubspot Integrations to Boost Sales

hubspot integrations for sales

When improving your sales team’s productivity, you may find yourself looking at your Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, software.

Knowing how to utilise this CRM is crucial for your sales team to succeed. One challenge shared several salespeople cite is a lack of integration with other tools with their current CRM.

When using a CRM like Hubspot, there are a wide variety of tools your company can take advantage of to improve how your sales team works together. To help you get started, consider this list of the top Hubspot integrations for sales below.

Top Hubspot Integrations for Sales

1. Threads

One major issue that salespeople face with a CRM is the sheer amount of manual data entry they face. The time spent on this data entry is time that could be otherwise allocated towards client outreach, for example.

When using Threads, one of the newly certified HubSpot integrations for sales, you can finally put an end to manually entering data one piece at a time.

With Threads, your current and future outbound emails are automatically collected and imported into Hubspot. Thus, you can locate critical information when you need it rather than sifting through large chunks of data.

Threads also allows for transparency with communications such as email, phone calls, and other digital communication methods. This transparency can thus give your team’s productivity a much-needed boost.

2. Google Calendar

Keeping your sales team on the same schedule can be a challenge. For example, if your sales team schedules demos of your product or service with clients, you may find yourself sending back and forth emails to find the right date to schedule.

By integrating Google Calendar with Hubspot, you can save your sales team time. Essentially, by using the meetings tool, you can connect your calendar with HubSpot.

Then, your clients can pick an open time that works for both of you without the hassle of the back-and-forth email chain.

3. Salesforce

By using the Salesforce Hubspot integration for sales, you can combine the power of both CRM platforms into one. Additionally, getting started with your Salesforce Hubspot integration requires no intricate process, but rather an easy phone-based setup process.

With this integration, you can choose what information is sent to Hubspot from Salesforce, such as lead intelligence ranging from email opens to form submissions.

With this valuable lead data, your sales team can close more deals and bring in more success for your company.

4. Zoom

There is an overwhelming consensus on the impact of face-to-face meetings when building long-term relationships.

Nonetheless, as your company grows, it can become more of a challenge to meet every potential client in-person. At times like these, a phone call meeting may not be enough to close a sales lead.

One of the top Hubspot integrations for sales that addresses this face-to-face meeting challenge is Zoom.  With Zoom, your sales team can make checking in on clients and leads easier.

Through the Hubspot integration, your team can schedule a Zoom meeting from any contact record.

5. Stripe

Through Hubspot, your sales team can make quotes that are easy to track. When integrating Hubspot with Stripe, you can make quote payment much more straightforward. With Stripe, Hubspot integrates the Stripe Checkout into a quote and collects payment via credit card.

Additionally, when a payment is received, HubSpot will make a new customer contact as well as add subscriptions to that customer in Stripe.

6. OrgChartHub

If you or a member of your sales team is part of the 65% of people who are visual learners, then Hubspot’s OrgChartHub integration is perfect for you.

Through OrgChartHub, you can easily create and save client organisation charts on each of your accounts—all without leaving your CRM.

Also, you can use OrgChartHub to visualise better and even define customised buyer personas for each of your clients.

7. LiveChat

Do you want to find new ways to interact with prospective clients without having to do a round of cold-calling?

The LiveChat Hubspot integration creates more genuine engagements with your clients easily. With LiveChat, your sales team can spend more time talking to new clients to identify their needs. Furthermore, you can easily make a new contact in Hubspot from a LiveChat interaction.

8. Powtoon

One of the best ways to make a sales email stand out in a client’s inbox is by incorporating a video element. Sales representatives who’ve used this method find five times the number of email open rates than before. Nonetheless, making sales videos that look good can be a hassle.

With Powtoon‘s Hubspot integration, your sales team can make professional videos without any technical knowledge.

All in all, your sales team can use Powtoon’s extensive media library or upload your presentation to make engaging and informational videos for your clients.

9. Qwilr

When making a client proposal, ensuring that it looks as good as the content within it is essential. Hubspot’s sales integration Qwilr can give your sales team the necessary tools to make beautiful pages easily.

Additionally, Qwilr will notify you when clients are viewing your document as well as give your sales team detailed analytics of clients viewing documents.

10. CallRail

With CallRail, you can keep track of online client activity from the start of their journey to the closing of a deal. To elaborate, one feature of CallRail is the automatic HubSpot lead creation.

With this data, you can analyse phone call leads for a better idea of what marketing activities are helping to drive sales.

Heighten Sales Success With Hubspot Sales Integrations

In order to receive the best sales results, providing your sales team with beneficial Hubspot integrations can help.

While these are only a few of the Hubspot apps you can use, we feel these are the best when it comes to producing stand out sales. It’s never too late to improve your sales methods, so consider how these integrations can help you meet your company’s needs.

Want to know more about how you can boost your sales team’s productivity with ease?

Contact the team at Threads today and learn what the Threads intelligent message hub can do to improve how your sales team communicates.