5 HubSpot Integrations for Customer Service Productivity

HubSpot Integrations for Customer Service Productivity

The main goal for any business that has a customer service team is to increase productivity. It is simple: higher productivity leads to happier team members, which leads to happier customers, which ultimately leads to more revenue for your business. It is a win-win for everybody involved.

Having an exceptional team of customer service employees is more important than ever before due to consumers buying more goods and services online. With more than 90% of customers saying their buying decisions are influenced by an online review, the last thing you need is a bad review blasting your customer service team.

HubSpot’s marketing, sales, and customer service software allow you to elevate your business and track new leads. In order to access the numerous integrations that HubSpot has available to you, you will need to sign-up for their services. They offer four free options, so make sure you do research as to which one your business needs.

As a HubSpot user, it is your ultimate goal to work as efficiently and effectively as possible. If you are interested in HubSpot’s integrations for customer service productivity then you’ve come to the right place. Below we will discuss the most useful integrations that allow your team to be the very best they can be.

Hubspot Integrations for Customer Service Productivity


When you integrate your HubSpot account with Threads, you can expect to take your time back, which allows you to focus on what is most important, your customers. Threads understands that logging your emails and phone calls can be time-consuming when you use any CRM. Most sales and customer service teams want to get on with their jobs without the constant worry of updating records.

Once installed, Threads scans your inbox for new and old emails associated with your HubSpot contacts and automatically transfers that information to the relevant contact or deal. Threads will reduce the time spent on manual data entry as well as time wasted forwarding old email threads or deleting contact information you do not need anymore.

Last but not least, Threads can also transcribe your phone calls so that you have a complete record in HubSpot of your customer’s conversations giving you the reassurance that your CRM will be up-to-date and accurate 24/7. By automatically logging all your data, Threads enables your business to operate in a transparent and hyper-organized fashion, without requiring you to alter your existing practices.


Have the opportunity to effortlessly collaborate with your team members when you integrate Notejoy with your HubSpot account. This integration allows your team members to work transparently by attaching their notes that they have taken from their talks with people who have contacted your customer service line.

Your team will be able to add context to contacts, companies, and new deals so everyone is on the same page. Once you have added new notes, all that information will become readily available to everyone. Additionally, if a different team member needs to add new notes they can do so quickly and easily without messing with the previous information.


When you integrate LiveChat with your HubSpot account you can expect their platform to allow your team to focus less on the administration side of things and more on selling. When LiveChat is added to your website customers have the opportunity to chat live with your customer service team if they have any questions related to your product or how to purchase.

This integration allows your business to identify consumers pain points so you can have a better user experience, which will lead to an increase in revenue. When someone opts to chat live with your team you can create new contacts from that conversation. Also, a transcript of the conversation you have had with that customer will be added to the contact automatically. Everyone on your customer service team will have access to this information, so they can provide faster and smarter support to any new or existing customer.

Help Scout

Does your customer service team ever feel like they are out of touch with the other teams working for your business? With Help Scout’s integration, your team can feel confident that they will be equipped with all the information on each customer in one easy to use platform. The information you will be able to see includes total revenue, latest activities, like sign-up date and email engagement, and the latest notes that were taken by your team member.

Additionally, Help Scout allows teams to make sure customers are happy, research open issues, and examine negative ratings, all before they reach out to a customer. When things get busy you can automate HubSpot outreach based on the activity you are seeing within your account.


LiveHelpNow’s HubSpot integration will alleviate stress and valuable time spent on customer service inquiries. When your customer service team uses LiveHelpNow’s help desks, they can collect helpful customer information, which is then automatically updated in HubSpot. This allows your team to use that information for additional marketing, business analytics, upsell and cross-sell flow.

If your business acquires new customers and they reach out to your customer service team their inquiries will be logged and saved to their contact info for future reference. Lastly, you will never have to copy and past customer service inquiries from chat and email when you use LiveHelpNow. Everything will automatically flow from LiveHelpNow’s account to HubSpot in real-time.

Experimenting is Key

Since there are a lot of options available to you when it comes to HubSpot integrations for customer service productivity, try a few out and see what your team likes the best. You will need to find what works best for them in order to support their day-to-day operations. Their happiness will lead to an increase in productivity, which is your ultimate goal as a business.