3 Creative Ways to Use HubSpot for Lead Management

hubspot lead management

One of the most important parts of lead management is keeping your communication organised. Without the right level of communication, even the best leads can go overlooked.

Thanks to customer relationship management (CRM) platforms like HubSpot, keeping track of your leads has become much more manageable. In addition, HubSpot offers a wide variety of integrations that can aid your lead generation process.

Because there are so many tools out there, it can be hard to know which one is the best for your business. Each tool or method you come across offer different opportunities that may boost your team’s success. In the end, the best choice for you comes down to the unique needs of your team.

To help you narrow down your options, we’ve outlined three unique ways to take advantage of HubSpot’s lead management tools to improve your processes below.

Ways to Use HubSpot for Lead Management

Threads’ HubSpot Integration

Keeping your communications with leads organised might seem like a simple solution, but it is very effective.

Let’s say an interested lead replies to your email regarding your services. Because your inbox is too cluttered, you end up missing the email—and the opportunity.

So, how can you keep your client and lead communications organised?

By using Threads, you can combine each team member’s email inboxes into a single location.

Not only does this streamline your communication processes, but it also provides your team with transparent communications. Now, you can ensure everyone remains on the same page and boost your customer service.

Threads also offers easy to adjust privacy settings. Perhaps you have emails with a contact that you don’t want to index. By adjusting your Threads settings, you can exclude emails that you don’t need indexed.

On its own, Threads is a powerful shared inbox tool. When you integrate Threads with HubSpot, you can truly make the best of both worlds!

Threads is a HubSpot integration that can aid you with your unique HubSpot lead management needs.

With Threads, you can automatically create, update, and organise an email so that the right team member gets the right information when they need it. Plus, Threads can import historic data, which makes migration to HubSpot easier than before.

Are you looking for the right HubSpot lead management tool?

Contact the team at Threads to learn how you can use Threads to elevate your team’s success today.

Customised Email Templates

Another important part of proper communication with your leads is writing the perfect email. Evidence shows that email remains a vital tool in the professional world today.

Knowing how to craft an eye-catching email for your leads is important. However, we’ve all experienced that dreaded email writer’s block.

A great way to tackle this obstacle is by utilising HubSpot’s email template feature in its lead tracking software.

By creating easy to edit email templates with HubSpot, you can improve the process your team uses when contacting leads.

This feature also helps you craft a personalised message and subject line for each recipient without the hassle of writing the entire email from scratch.

In the end, your team can quickly contact or follow-up with any leads without worrying about how much time it takes to do it.

Lead Flows

Another aspect to keep in mind when improving your lead management is the source of your leads.

For this example, we’re going to focus on a tool that aids your lead generation and management of inbound leads.

Lead flows, a product offered by HubSpot, can help your team create more inbound leads while also improving how you manage them.

With lead flows, you can create lead capture forms that engage anonymous visitors to your website. The goal of forms like this is to get real responses from your visitors—and, in turn, real conversions.

Once a form has been completed, this tool syncs up and organises your data within HubSpot so you can learn more about your leads.

By gathering this information, your lead management processes are improved because you can now make informed choices about how you contact leads.