shared mailbox vs. distribution list

Shared Mailbox vs. Distribution List: When to Use Each

When looking at collaboration tools, you may wonder whether to choose between a shared mailbox or a distribution list. By understanding what you’d like to improve in your communications, you can weigh each tool’s pros and cons. In this post we review each tool’s benefits and when to use a shared mailbox vs. distribution list.

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inbox zero

When is Inbox Zero Not The Answer?

Do we really need inbox zero? Or do we just need a better way of finding and searching our emails? We discuss common pitfalls with the inbox zero method and look at other ways of better managing your email.

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I Struggle to Manage Email, What Can I do?

Despite predictions of its death, email continues to grow - roughly 306.4 billion emails were sent and received each day in 2020, the figure is expected to increase to over 361.6 billion daily mails in 2024. Its no wonder that many people struggle to manage email.

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Hidden Treasure In Your Emails

We are all aware that the primary purpose of emails is to exchange information. We also know that one reason we use email is because we can search it. But we make little use of the massive archive of information it contains. So how can we find the hidden treasure in our emails?

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shared inbox app

Top Shared Mailbox Software Apps for Teams

Are you tired of forwarding email threads, finding lost messages, and complicated email chains? If your team is thinking about transitioning to a shared mailbox, here is a list of the top apps you can choose from.

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How Using A Shared Inbox Can Help Your Team This Summer

Frequently your business will communicate with its customers by a variety of different means. When reviewed in isolation, these communications can lead to an incomplete picture of the customers needs and requirements. And these problems can become exacerbated during the summer months when employee are on vacation. Learn how using a shared inbox can help mitigate these issues.

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tech support

What Is The Best Way To Manage Tech Support Issues?

Software continues to drive growth in the SME and start up market. But tech support is a requirement for most software solutions. From simple questions such as resetting a password, to more complicated problems, an efficient support function is essential. 

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remote team communication

3 Communication Tools & Rules for Remote Teams

The trend of working remotely is nothing new. With a rise in workforce mobility over the past few years, working remotely is not as foreign as it once was. Keep reading to learn about various tools and rules that can help your remote team maximise success and employee engagement.

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