The Doctor Will Hear You Now

Recording consultations might leave you feeling uneasy but a recording can be beneficial to both practitioners and patients. As well as making note taking more efficient the recording can empower the patient to understand the risks and benefits of treatment options and make better decisions.

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zoom transcription

5 Zoom Transcription Alternatives

The need for efficient and quick note-taking is evolving and technologies such as Zoom are leading the way in helping make this process easier. To help your team take advantage of communication transparency, we've compiled a list of video & audio transcription services for you to consider.

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4 Use Cases For Call Transcription Software

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) is routinely used to convert audio tracks into written words. There are several reasons why you might want to do this including generating subtitles for a movie or advanced dictation software. But here are some examples of other use cases that you might not already be aware of.

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automatic speech recognition technology

Losing the Thread?

We often think of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) as a technology to save us getting up from our armchair to change the music or to save the banks from employing humans, but in fact, its benefits can have far more far-reaching effects - especially for the hard of hearing.

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10 good reasons to pick up the phone

In this era of social media, chatbots and email, written communications are the obvious choice for interacting with potential customers and suppliers. But next time you send an email instead of picking up the phone, take a moment to consider whether this really is the best option.

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Automated Call Tagging In Threads

New Feature: Automated Call Tagging In Threads

One of the most useful but often overlooked features in CRMs is the ability to tag records to enable you to search, filter and sort your records. But tagging records can be a time consuming manual process meaning that records can go ‘untagged’ and consequently won’t appear when you search for a specific tag. Our new automatic call tagging feature in Threads solves this problem.

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Phone Call Transcription on Demand

Phone Call Transcription on Demand

It is difficult to imagine how many business users would be able to cope without being able to search their emails but once they start using Threads, they soon wonder how they ever coped without being able to search their phone calls. However, the costs of automatic speech recognition can rack up if all calls are being transcribed. In this post, we discuss the new “transcription on demand” feature of Threads which enables users to transcribe just the calls they want.

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Why You Shouldn’t Wait for Speech Recognition to Catch Up

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is one of those technologies you either love or hate. Sadly, a large number of businesses (mainly financial institutions) have decided it’s cheaper to get a computer to answer the telephone than to pay a human, and undoubtedly this generates the most hate.. Read more on why you shouldn’t wait for speech recognition to catch up.

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4 Ways Call Transcription Can Boost Your Sales

Call transcription is fast becoming a must-have tool for sales teams to enable them to close more sales and collaborate better. It allows sales reps to focus on the call in hand without being distracted by writing notes or worrying that key details will be forgotten. Here are 4 more ways in which call transcription can help your company boost sales.

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