The Threads Blog

is email dead

Is email dead?

For almost as long as email has been in existence, its imminent demise has been predicted. Dr John Yardley, Founder and MD of Threads Software, shares his opinion on the future of email.

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IT Expert

Do I need an IT expert?

Most specialists will tell you that you badly need their services, but “experts” can sometimes be the quickest path to disaster. Dr John Yardley, Founder and MD of Threads Software, shares his opinion on the need for IT experts.

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Is sharing emails risky?

As we became paperless, documents have a habit of disappearing into personal email accounts. But this can make it impossible to find out what is going on, especially if the person who has the document is unavailable. Sharing emails can solve this problem. We explore how to do this safely and without compromising confidentiality.

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When is the market ready for new tech?

Some companies do a lot of market research before developing a product - so that they can (hopefully) develop a product that the market wants. But how do you know when the market is ready for your product?

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how to merge email accounts

How to Merge Email Accounts Into One Inbox

In today’s world, keeping track of your emails is a must. Nonetheless, managing multiple email accounts can grow tedious, as you’re constantly switching back and forth. For this reason, knowing how to merge email accounts is valuable knowledge. In short, knowing how to merge email accounts can ease the search process for vital pieces of…

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Email users

4.1 billion reasons why email isn’t going away

According to a Radicati report, key statistics show 2.5 billion active email users were exchanging a staggering 244 billion emails a day in 2015. The number of email users projected for 2021 is 4.1 billion. So much for the death of email at the hands of social media! What is going on?

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